John Denver - Annie's Song

John Denver - Annie's Song

Some days you just can't beat a beautiful melody as an antidote for gloominess. And in this writer's humble opinion, there are few more beautiful songs than this one.

There's a richness to John's tone that I've seldom, if ever, heard again. Apart from being instantly recognisable, it is also one of the most soothing and calming voices this world has ever known.

In fact, John Denver might be the anti-masculine man's hero. I was called 'homo' and a 'fag' by people at high school because I loved listening to John Denver. Those comments being horrendously offensive for gay people notwithstanding, what those people never realised was that John was actually the straightest man ever. In his autobiography he admitted to being very fond of the female form - too fond at times perhaps.

John was living proof that tattoos, big muscles and deep voice don't make you a man. His gentle demeanour masked an inner strength. He choose quiet confidence over grandstanding. I'm not like that at all, but I wish I was.

So to all those who once mocked me for liking something that wasn't approved by the meathead squad, up yours. I still love John's music now as I did then and I always will.

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